Walls Construction Limited is on the verge of completing the stunning new 30-metre link bridge connecting the Central Bank of Ireland office on North Wall Quay to their new Dublin Landings building. The temporary support structure is now being removed, unveiling the new bridge for the first time.
The steel-framed temporary structure has provided support and access for the complex bridge steel and glass installation. It has also allowed the bridge construction to progress whilst safely maintaining emergency egress and fire tender routes.
The steel & timber from this temporary structure will be re-used on another major Walls Construction Limited city-centre development. The reduction of waste, and recycling is crucial wherever physically possible, and is part of our ESG drive and commitment to our 2025 Roadmap.
Thanks to all the team involved especially our bridge partner GIG FASSADEN GmbH And the team of Henry J Lyons Architects, Scollard Doyle, Arup, O’Connor Sutton Cronin, & INTERACTIVE PROJECT MANAGERS.